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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Back To The Future — Sermon #30 LET'S MEET THE ANTICHRIST Intro: As we continue to move through the book of Revelation, we
have encountered some terrifying scenes and some amazing characters. For the
next few weeks our attention will be focused on an individual know as the
Antichrist. Some
40 billion people have lived on the earth since Adam was created in the Garden
of Eden. Since that time, the world has witnessed the advent of many talented,
intelligent and powerful people. But, there is one coming that will stand head
and shoulders above the rest of humanity. He will be powerful, deceitful,
intelligent, brutal, ruthless and efficient. He will represent the pinnacle of
all that man can achieve apart from God. He will be a satanically empowered man
and he will wreak havoc in this world. So,
before we move further in our study of Revelation, I want to this service and
talk to you about the man known as "the son of perdition"; "the
man of sin", I. V. 23 THE
ADVENT OF THE ANTICHRIST (III. In the end times, a fierce
king will stand up. What are the signs of his appearing? Can men know when this
man will appear? The answer to that question is both "Yes" and "No".
No man knows exactly who the Antichrist is, or exactly when he will appear, but
the Bible does tell us that there are certain sings that accompany his
appearance. Let's examine these signs.) A. The Condition Of The World -
When this man makes his entrance, the world will be in a terrible moral condition.
This is evidenced by two passages that make reference to the end times, B. The Corruption Of Religion - (III. I hope everyone understands
that just because a church or denomination calls itself Christian, does not
make it Christian! In reality, the days in which we live are marked by a rapid
departure from the foundational truths of Christianity. There was a time when,
if a man said he was a Christian, you pretty much knew what he believed. There
might have been a few doctrinal differences, but for the most part, this person
believed in the virgin birth of Christ, the substitutionary death and
resurrection of Christ, the return of Christ, and that the Bible is the Word of
God. In other words, a Christian was a person who was in a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ and accepted all that the Bible teaches concerning Him and
His work. It's a different world now! A
person may deny the virgin birth and still claim to be a Christian! A person
may call themselves a Christian and cast doubt on the accuracy of the Bible. A
person may doubt that Jesus really died and rose from the dead and still claim
they are saved. Something is wrong with this picture! We are living in the
midst of a "great falling away!" Cults are growing by leaps and bounds
while genuine Christianity consistently finds itself under the gun from
society, government and organized religion.) (III. When denominations have to
take votes on whether to marry homosexuals, or to allow homosexuals to be
ordained, something is wrong! There are things that are nailed down so firmly
in the Word of God that there should never be a question about them. Yet, we
are seeing every major doctrine under attack. We see churches and denominations
turning away from the truth with alarming speed. We are in the midst of
apostasy!) (III. If the world is ready and
religion is ready, what hinders the Antichrist from appearing at any moment and
what keeps the Tribulation from starting? There is one event that must take
place before the Antichrist can be revealed and before the Tribulation Period
can commence.) C. The Completion Of The Church - Still,
there are two forces that hinder him from stepping onto the stage and making
his presence known. What are those two hindrances? The Church and the Holy
Spirit! The work of the Spirit in convicting and judging the hearts of men is a
tremendous retraining force in the world, (III. It is worthy to note at this
point that the whole purpose of the Tribulation is not for the church! It is
called, "the time of Jacob's trouble", Jer. 30:7. It was told to Daniel that the Tribulation was a time
for (III. There are some who would tell
us that the church will go through the first 3% years of the Tribulation. To
believe this view, you have to believe that many of the Lord's prophecies to
I. The Advent Of The Antichrist II. V.
23b THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE ANTICHRIST A. He Will Be A Man Of Popularity - Rev. 6:2 tells us that this man will be "given a crown". That is, the people of the world will embrace
him as a godsend. No doubt this man will arrive on the scene with a workable
formula for world peace. He will have a viable explanation for the
disappearance of the Christians. He will embody all the world has ever looked
for in a leader. It is said that the Antichrist will possess: 1. The
Leadership of a Washington or a Lincoln 2. The
Eloquence of a Franklin Roosevelt 3. The
Charm of a Theodore Roosevelt 4. The
Charisma of a John F. Kennedy 5. The
Popularity of a Dwight Eisenhower 6. The
Political Savvy of a Lyndon Johnson 7. The
Intellect of a Thomas Jefferson The world stage is set for the
appearance of such a man! He will be popular! B. He Will Be A Man Of Peace - Rev. 6:2 tells us that when he appears, he will be like one riding
a white horse. This gives him the appearance of good. It also states that he
will have a bow, but no arrows. This indicates that he will no come making war,
but will come making peace. This is proven by what Daniel saw in Dan. 9:27. It seems this man will make
a 7 year peace treaty with the nation of ( (III. The world will never know
peace apart from Jesus Christ! While this world is in turmoil today, the
children of God know peace in their hearts, C. He Will Be A Man Of Prosperity -
Dan. 11:43; Rev. 13:16-17. The
Antichrist will eventually control the wealth of the world. He will bring
prosperity to those who have lived in poverty. I am convinced that the
Antichrist will bring an end to world hunger. That he will do away with much of
the class distinction that exists in our world. That most people under his
reign will be better off financially that they were before he rose to power. (III. This is one area of this rule
that will bring him lasting success. People like to prosper! Just look at D. He Will Be A Man Of Power - Rev. 13:7-8 These verses tell us that
Antichrist will eventually rule the entire world. Conquerors down through the
ages have sought this lofty goal without success. He will achieve it! What men
won't recognize, or won't care about is the fact that he receives his power
from Satan himself, Dan. 8:24. He
will become so large in the eyes of humanity that they will literally worship
him as their god. (III. All of this will be true of
him in the beginning of his reign. However, in the middle of the Tribulation,
this man of peace and prosperity will show his true colors. This brings us to
our third thought concerning this superman from Hell.)
I. The Advent Of The Antichrist II. The Attributes Of The Antichrist III. V.
24-25b THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE ANTICHRIST A. He Will Attack The People Of God - Dan. 7:25 The Antichrist will break his covenant with (III. We are seeing this spirit at
work in our world today! It is becoming increasingly unpopular to be a Bible
believer. In fact, we are often labeled as being intolerant. We are told that
we must tolerate homosexuality and lesbianism. We are told that we must protect
the spotted owl while, at the same time, we tolerate the murder of millions of
innocent unborn children. We are told that we are bigots when we speak out
about the evils of society. We are told that we have no voice in the
government. We are told to soften our stance. You keep an eye on things in the
next few years. If the Lord doesn't return soon, it may become illegal to be a
fundamental, Bible-believing Christian! The church is under attack, and this
will continue until the Rapture. Then, the focus of Satan's anger will be the
nation of B. He Will Attack The Prince Of God - Dan. 8:25 - Here, we are told that this Mon of Sin will stand up
against the "Prince of Princes." This is none other than the Lord Jesus
Christ! It appears that anything having to do with godliness, holiness or
Christ will be the focus of the attacks of this madman. He will make every
effort to stamp out the name of Jesus from the face of the earth! (III. While he is doing this, the
Lord will raise an army of young, Jewish men, 144,000 in all, who will go
throughout the world preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, Rev. 14. The
Antichrist will be powerless to stop them! Aren't you glad that even in the
midst of Chaos, God is still on the throne?!) (III. Again, this attitude is
already being manifested in our day. When was the last time you heard someone
use the name of Allah as a curse word? The Muslims would revolt! When did you
hear someone in a fit of anger make use of the name of Buddha. When was the
last time you heard the name of You
might as well face it; the devil hates the name of Jesus! He will hate it and
he will attempt to discredit it and destroy it until he is cast away in to
Hell's flames. Why is it that Jesus, and His doctrines, are the most hated
things in the world? If men admit the fact that He is Lord, that He died and
rose again, that He is in fact the Savior; then man must admit that he is a
sinner or be doomed to Hell. If the Bible is right about Jesus, then it stands
to reason that it is right about everything else as well. The world hates His
name because it points out their sins!) C. He Will Attack The Place Of God - Dan. 8:25; Dan. 11:36-37; Dan. 9:27; (III. The passage we read as our
text today was directly fulfilled by a man named Antiochus Epiphanes. a. He
was a Syrian. b. He
came to the throne in 175 B.C. and ruled until 164 B.C. c. He
was anti-Semitic to the core. He assaulted d. On
December 15, 168 BC, his e. All
through For
the next few years Judas successfully led an army of Jews against the Syrians.
Their brave exploits are described in two Apocrypha books, first and second
Maccabees. On December 25, 165 B.C., the Jewish patriots cleansed and
rededicated the Note: In Dan. 8:14 there is a time period of 2300 days mentioned. This
apparently began on September 6, 171 B.C. and ended on December 25, 165 B.C. It
was, however, on the basis of this period that William Miller, founder of the
modern Seventh Day Adventist movement, went astray. He made the days stand for
years and arrived at the date of October 22, 1844, for the return of Christ! f. Antiochus
died in (Note: What Antiochus did is part will be done in full by the
Antichrist. He will declare to the world that he is God and that he must be
worshiped. The sad thing is that the Bible tells us very clearly that the world
will be lead to worship this devil from Hell, Rev. 13:8. The world will not bow to the Lord Jesus Who loves them
and gave Himself for them, (III. Who are you worshiping today?
Are you giving you worship to yourself; your things; your own life? Are you
reserving your worship for the Antichrist? The fact is, your worship will be
directed somewhere. If I were you, I would receive Jesus and worship the only
true God through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
I. The Advent Of The Antichrist II. The Attributes Of The Antichrist III. The Abominations Of The Antichrist IV. V.
25c THE ANNIHILATION OF THE ANTICHRIST A. It Will Be Sudden - B. It Will Be Serious - Notice that
Rev. 19:20 says that Antichrist will
enter the (III. Which side are you on today?
Are you in line with the Word of God? Have you trusted Jesus as your personal
Savior? If so, you will never see the Antichrist in this world. If so, then you
will be in Heaven, in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ while the world writhes
under tribulation. If not, then you need to be saved! You are on the wrong
side! If the Lord doesn't come in your life time, you will die and go to Hell
if you don't get right with God. If He does come and finds you lost, you will
enter into the Tribulation and you will probably give your worship to the
Antichrist, Conc: Jesus is coming and the world is poised to enter a time of trouble
like nothing it has ever experienced before. What happens to you all depends on
what you do with Jesus Christ. I invite you to come to Him today and be saved.
If you are saved, I would ask you to look at you life to see if you are
pointing men to Jesus or away from Him by the life you live. I do not fear the
Antichrist! I will be gone before he makes his appearance. What about you?
Where will you be when Satan's Superman takes the world by storm? When Daniel
looked into these things, he fainted and became ill. What effect do these words
have on your heart today? If the Lord is calling you to come to Him for any
reason, you come now. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |